Deus ex Machina

Passing through unconscious states; when I awoke, I was on the highway.

Monday, September 27, 2004


I will probably not be blogging for a while. The final onslaught of exams before the end of the semester is approaching. And back home, I will most likely ignore the internet and spend time with my family instead. I've only ever written one entry over there.

I tend to get distracted when I'm at home. I'm counting the days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!! like the song!! like it like it! maan :)

4:14 AM  
Blogger glamourosa said...

hey lyle!! been a long time, was out of cyberspace for a while. anyways, good luck on your exams...and how come i couldn't view your side bars?

6:15 PM  

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