Deus ex Machina

Passing through unconscious states; when I awoke, I was on the highway.

Monday, November 29, 2004

A Statement

Lately I've been spending most of my time mulling over life - its nature and its purpose. I've been trying to figure out what my existence means to me and what I expect of myself. I know that in these matters I'll never be able to get a solid, factual answer. But I think the most important thing for me is to never allow these questions to become far from my mind, because in the final analysis it might be the only thing that really matters.

Who am I and why am I here and what am I supposed to do? These are the questions that reduce every single person, regardless of race or culture or degree of learning - to the same level. Even a man brought up by animals, totally isolated from other people - whom the behavioral sciences would not even consider human, must find these questions extremely relevant and must already have worked out answers for himself.

Nothing else matters. Not the intellectual posturing, not money or social status or good manners or sex appeal. Everything else is extraneous. Perhaps, if I could name just one thing that I could have hoped to accomplished in all my time of existence, it would be that I lived keeping these questions close to my mind and heart and always attempting to find sincere answers to them. I do not want to lose my way again, because if I did and I died right after it, for me that would be the tragedy that I cannot allow myself to experience.


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