Things happen only once. And then they are gone. There are so many ways of going about the unchosen task of living. Everyone goes through life in his own unique way. But that fact - that things happen once and are never repeated - remains unchanged.
There are no rehearsals, there are no previews, there are no 30-day-limited-time-offers. There is only here and now. And then a different here and a different now. And then, well - no one knows for sure. Perhaps it goes on forever. Just like that. One step and the next. Life and death and whatever else there is that awaits us.
I am writing this down because I want to. Because I think it means something. Because I don't know the answers to what I haven't been asking.
I try to keep still but I never am, really. Everything just flows on steadily, unmindful of what I feel or think. I can't force things to stop or speed up. But eventually for me, everything will come to a halt. Abrupt or gradual, I don't know.
I would have asked a question by now if I had not known that it would be beside the point. Because my entire life is the question. And right now I have no answers. Just me. Lyle. Alive, typing, thinking, breathing, wondering.
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